Member-only story


She Set Her Sights on Leaving This Earth With Nothing Bottled Up Inside Her

Writing became her means of uncorking the jug of emotions she’d stuffed down for years

kasey sparks


the dawning of a new me | author’s photo

After cocooning herself in her silent and tiny apartment space, the need to process all the mixed feelings brewing inside her took hold. For far too long she’d stuffed down her frustrations.

Her anger. Her pain. Her longing. Her disappointment.

She’d always been a visual person using photography as the primary method of expressing her creative side. It’d been a perfect channel for exploring and capturing the world outside herself.

But now she sensed a great urgency to unearth and sort through all the emotions stewing inside herself. Photography wasn’t the right venue for this. These emotions needed words more than images. So she dug around her place and found an old spiral notebook half used by one of her sons. She grabbed a stubby pencil and began writing.

The words leaked out in fits and starts like stagnant water stuck in a rusty faucet that hadn’t been used in ages. The momentum built as she cranked loose the handle of her emotions and that initial sputtering of words turned into a tiny stream. Pressure built…



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