InBlack Bearbykasey sparksMy Affair Numbed the Hurts Inflicted by a Pain-Soaked MarriageWhen it ended I had to find a better way to copeDec 11, 202416Dec 11, 202416
InAge of Empathybykasey sparksIn the Aftermath of a Divorce Lives a Place Pregnant With PossibilitiesTurning the labor of divorce into a rebirthDec 1, 202451Dec 1, 202451
InHeart Affairsbykasey sparksDating In My 50s is Like Taking a Trip to The Island of Misfit ToysWe’re all a bit quirky and looking for someone to love us just as we are.Nov 4, 202432Nov 4, 202432
InAge of Empathybykasey sparksWalking Away From My Marriage Left Me Feeling UnmooredHow I navigated the choppy seas of an uncertain futureJul 1, 202459Jul 1, 202459
InAge of Empathybykasey sparksFive Years Out and I’m Still Learning to Own the Word ‘Divorce’I needed to own my grief and brokenness firstMar 10, 202443Mar 10, 202443
InHeart Affairsbykasey sparksMy Husband Thought I Left Him Because He Didn’t Fix The PrinterThat wasn’t the reason, but it was the final straw.Jan 8, 202455Jan 8, 202455
InHeart Affairsbykasey sparksHer Initial Search For Enduring Love Looked More Like Reckless DesperationHer vows to remember her worth hadn’t become habits.Sep 23, 202313Sep 23, 202313
InHeart Affairsbykasey sparksWhat Sucks The Most About Being SingleThe paradox of holding abundance in my heart while acknowledging the small hole that remains.Sep 4, 202325Sep 4, 202325
InHeart Affairsbykasey sparksAmidst the Torrential Ending of Her Affair, She Made a Few Solemn Vows To HerselfShe vowed never to put herself in a place like this againSep 23, 202311Sep 23, 202311
kasey sparksWhen She Finally Decided To Leave Her Marriage, The Magic BeganShe’s now learning to trust Life’s nudgesJul 23, 202312Jul 23, 202312
kasey sparksA Trio of Events and Phrases Loosened the Clog That Stifled Her VoiceAn empty nest, a cancer-riddled friend & an affairJul 11, 202322Jul 11, 202322
kasey sparksAnd Just Like That, The State of Their Marriage Became as Clear as a Block of IceWith one immobilizing action, she knew three things were trueJun 30, 202332Jun 30, 202332
InAge of Empathybykasey sparksWhen My Divorce Created a Great Hole of Loss I Kept PurgingWhen life’s dance shifts from survival to sacredMar 19, 202321Mar 19, 202321
InPut It To Restbykasey sparksLike Cars, Relationships Require Regular MaintenanceEven so, some just aren’t meant to lastJul 22, 202313Jul 22, 202313
InThe Memoiristbykasey sparksDid I Build My Marriage To Wreck It?A Florence + The Machine song posed the question I needed to faceJan 8, 202317Jan 8, 202317
InHeart Affairsbykasey sparksGetting Divorced Doesn’t Mean I FailedReframing divorce as an act of courage.Aug 2, 202313Aug 2, 202313
InHeart Affairsbykasey sparksThe Best Response I’ve Heard When I Told A Friend I Was DivorcedHis simple words stuck with me.Nov 5, 202263Nov 5, 202263
InThe Memoiristbykasey sparksLeaving My Marriage Was a Death My Body RemembersWill it ever forget?Oct 9, 202251Oct 9, 202251
InHeart Affairsbykasey sparksWhy Didn’t You Just Get Divorced?It’s a question I get asked a lot after admitting to having an affair.Oct 7, 202213Oct 7, 202213
InSongstoriesbykasey sparksI Wish: A Flashback To The ‘Me’ I Used To BeWhen hearing a song you haven’t heard in a while helps you see how far you’ve comeJun 14, 20228Jun 14, 20228