Member-only story
And Then She Began Sleeping Naked
It grew into a ritual that birthed much-needed healing
With her divorce looming in the future and her affair partner now absent from her life, she cocooned herself inside her small apartment despite the lively summer season in full bloom just outside her door.
During a string of hot July days, the temps in her apartment rose and the air sweltered. The century-old building lacked central air. In anticipation of the hot season she’d already purchased a window AC unit knowing that her south-facing spot would most likely take the brunt of the sun's rays. The beastly unit was heavy and cumbersome so she offered a young strong neighbor a beer in exchange for helping her wrangle it into the living room window.
At the time, it seemed like the best spot for it since her apartment was so small. She set up a fan to help direct the cool air to her bedroom. But when that streak of hot days arrived, the fan couldn’t keep up with the soaring temps, and one night she lay sweating on her sheets. Out of sheer exhaustion and frustration, she ripped off her tank top and underwear. She moved the fan to the base of her bed so it blew directly across her bare skin.